
Blog Scandal makes Apple Stock Unstable

San Francisco - A famous and trusted gadget blog, Engadget.Com, present the information that Apple will delay their two new product launch: Apple iPhone and Mac OS X Leopard. Only six minute after that news spread, Apple stock go down.

Like reported from Tech Crunch, Apple stocks go down at 11:56 till 12:02 PM period, 17 May 2007 local time. The decrease from US $107.89 to $103.42 is referred same as loss of market capitalization fund equal to US $4 billion.

Latter, Engadget is correct the news. That news in fact came from a fake e-mail, even though that fake e-mail looks original because coming from inside of Apple network. Apple stocks get restored in about 20 minute after the correction.

The news source represents an internal memo about the delay of iPhone and OS X Leopard launching. Michael Arrington, observer of 2.0 web sites, confessing that source in the internal memo form is a "gold farm" that usually wrong rarely. But in this time, that e-mail content is spurious although mentioned come from Apple server.

Even cannot be blamed, Engadget blog estimated will experience of the crisis belief from the reader. "In future if Engadget present the news kind like this, people will make the speculation concerning its truth. Need some time before its recover," said Arrington.

On the other side, Arrington noticed, Apple exactly can be blamed if the e-mail correctness comes from the internal network of Apple Company. "Other mistake from Apple is not immediately response the rumor after engadget post the news," Arrington enhance.


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